Gemstones & Jewelry - Some Useful Tips
Monday, May 28, 2012
Fracture-Filled Diamond
Last week a gem dealer brought in a 2.46 carats diamond for grading.
Before we proceeded with the grading(quality analysis) of the stone, we conducted a few gemological tests to determine if the stone was diamond.
Sure enough the stone was diagnosed as diamond. However, upon examination of the inclusions in the stone through the the microscope under dark-field illumination, the color flashes in at least two of the 'feathers' (orangy-brown in one and purplish-red in the other) revealed that the diamond was a fracture-filled diamond.
We had to inform our client that we could not grade the said diamond as it was fracture-filled. Instead we issued a gem-identification(gem-testing) report stating that the stone is a diamond with a comment that it was fracture-filled.
In view of the fact that many diamonds out in the market may be fracture-filled(and unfortunately not being disclosed as such by the supplier), gem dealers, jewelers as well as consumers are advised to have their diamonds checked by a gemologist before doing a purchase.
For more info on fracture-filled diamonds go to :
Friday, January 4, 2008